Making Money With Movie ?? It's That True
I wonder if there is some program that allow us to earn money by watching movie wheter is online or offline. By asking Prof. Google, PHD lead me to this site :
Her is some article from it :
Her is some article from it :
I'd like to tell you about a way you can combine the best of two worlds: watching movies, and making money online. I've often used an analogy in referral – or permission-based marketing. You go to see a movie and come away absolutely loving (or hating) it. The first thing you do, especially if you loved the movie, would be to tell all of your friends about it (without giving away the ending, of course!). Based upon your recommendation, your friends would either go see the film, or avoid it if you gave it a scathing review. However, the theater showing the movie, as well as the studio that made it, don't send a dime your way for the referral, do they? So, where online can you talk about movies you've seen, and make money at the same time? I'd like to point out three good ones, and let you explore them for, and perhaps the most enjoyable to use, is Started by Seth Godin over two years ago, it is a community of people, called lensmasters, who create webpages on specific, highly focused topics, called lenses. The idea is to produce very useful content that , like a microscope lens, zooms in on a topic, to give people an in-depth look at whatever interests them. Aside from simply creating an in-depth review of a movie you've just seen, you could do a lens on the actors or filmmakers involved, or the studio, or combine with another lens (called a dual lens) in the SquidFlix. If you loved the movie, you take the positive side while another lensmaster takes on the negative side. Connect to your other lenses, or other peoples' lenses. By monetizing your lenses with links to Amazon, Ebay, CafePress, and others, every time someone clicks out and makes a purchase, you and Squidoo split the proceeds, based on a percentage that you specify. You can even specify various charities to have portions of your earnings donated to them. Very honorable concept.
The firhere is the full articles
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